CBCD and ADGA Genetics File Transfer Update

Notification to members regarding ADGA pedigree data transfers to CBCD and ADGA Genetics. 
ADGA has been making significant efforts to perform the necessary work to generate files to keep both CBCD and ADGA Genetics records current with as much information as possible. The processes involved in submitting pedigree data to CBCD and ADGA Genetics are not currently automated. The process of sending change records was automated in ROSS but is currently a manual process due to further programming that is needed in NG. Examples of change records include correcting data entry errors, updating to herd name from “The”, and pedigree changes as a result of DNA typing. These changes are current in NG, however in order to update CBCD and ADGA Genetics manual updates are required to be generated through a multi-step process. Once the change process is automated, a complete file will be sent to CBCD for upload.
 There are also some files that are not currently able to be generated such as award updates, DNA typing status, and buck collection records.  ADGA’s updated file formatting instituted with the inception of NG is compatible with CBCD, but not fully compatible with ADGA Genetics.  Until such time that ADGA and ADGA Genetics are fully compatible and can be adequately synched, there will be a pause in sending any additional data to ADGA Genetics. ADGA appreciates the cooperative effort with Gene Derschewitz and looks forward to bringing all necessary processes current to allow regular data file transfers to begin again.