Report of Awards Guide

1. Always fill out the Report of Awards in its entirety for each breed at the time of the judging of that breed, even though there may not be ten animals competing. Never write “not enough competing” across that section of the report as it is important that we have all the information required on the report. We must know how many animals of the breed were in the ring (total number judged). Any disqualified animal must not be counted in the total number of the breed.

2. We also must have the number shown in the Junior Division and Senior Division, number of exhibitors, number of classes of milking animals, number of does in milk, and the number of dry milkers. Dry milkers may be shown in the milking classes, but are not to be counted as one of the does in milk. In the case of recorded grades, if the breed types are shown separately, the number of milking classes would be the same as the purebred groups (e.g., three milking classes if they are grouped into three age groups). You would not list fifteen milking classes (three for each of the five breed types), as we consider all recorded grades as one breed in processing show reports.

3. Your Report of Awards is the only record we have of your show. If the information on that report is incorrect or spaces left blank, it may keep an animal from getting credit for a leg toward Permanent Championship. This information must be correct when it is first received by the ADGA office, as the report cannot be added to or changed after the completion of the show, except by proper review and action of the ADGA Show Committee. So that the owner(s) of the animal accepts their share of the responsibility for the accuracy of this report, it is important that they or their agent sign the report certifying the correctness of the information listed for their animal.

4. It is the ADGA Judge’s responsibility to see that the tattoos are correctly recorded on the Report of Awards exactly as they are on the animal, leaving no blank spaces. The tattoo should never be copied from the registration certificate, but should be taken only from the judge as they read it on the animal. If there is a tail tattoo on other than a LaMancha, it should be indicated as RT/LT rather than RE/LE. Vague tattoos will not be credited. If the tattoo is illegible, the judge shall write “ illegible” in the space above it.

5. The total number judged in each breed class should not include the Champion Challenge entries. At the top of the report, the total number judged is requested. This total includes Champion Challenge entries. This total should include all animals judged in each breed PLUS all Champion Challenge entries.

6. The Report of Awards must be given to the judge before they leave the show. The judge shall submit the report to the ADGA office within ten days of the date of judging.