The Youth Showmanship Award shall be made at any show judged by an official ADGA judge, even if the show itself has not been officially sanctioned by ADGA.
The purpose of this award is to recognize youth who have strived to excel in showmanship. Please fill in the information in the blanks below as it pertains to the showmanship groups in your show (i.e.: Junior, Intermediate, Senior Showmanship, etc.). Certificates will be awarded to each group who has five or more contestants. If groups compete for a Champion Showman, and there are less than five in each group, but at least five participants in all groups combined, then the Champion Showman will be awarded a certificate.
Each contestant must show his or her own project animal, and the judge shall require the contestants to change animals during the showmanship judging in order to make them eligible to compete for this award.
This application must be filled out by the show chairperson, or other show official, signed by the adult chairperson or superintendent and the judge, and mailed to the ADGA office to receive a certificate.
[caldera_form id=”CF5557f6c5dee6d”]