Native on Appearance Parentage Limitations

Listing a parent as “unknown” is acceptable in some situations, such as a doe from the sale barn being recorded as a Native on Appearance and the animal conforms to one of the breeds currently registered by the American Dairy Goat Association. It is also acceptable if a doe has been exposed to multiple bucks of an ADGA accepted breed. It is not acceptable if any of the animals on the application is known to be another non-accepted breed. Non-accepted breeds would include, but not be limited to, genetics from Angora, Boer, Kiko, Myotonic, Pygmy, Spanish or Savannah.

ADGA Rules of Registration or Recordation do not permit the use any genetics from any type of goat that is not part of the ADGA Herd books. ADGA currently has herd books for the following standard size breeds; Alpine, Guernsey, LaMancha, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen,  Sable and Toggenburgs These seven standard size breeds may be registered in the Purebred and American herd books for their breed. Crosses of these seven breeds may be recorded in the Recorded Grade Herd books or the Experimental Herd books.

The Nigerian Dwarf is limited to a Purebred Herd book based on conformation AND prior registration by both the sire and dam with either ADGA or AGS. Any cross breeding is not acceptable.

If a person writes “Unknown” on the Application for Registration or Recordation when they know the parentage, they would be misrepresenting the pedigree. Any pedigree that is completed with incorrect information is invalid and subject to revocation by the Association if this information comes to our attention and is proven.

With the recent ability to use DNA, it has become relatively easy for ADGA to use this technology to establish proof of parentage or proof that the listed parentage is not possible. This is very serious action and is necessary for the integrity of the ADGA Herd books.

What should a person do if they were misled into doing this or simply did not understand the rules?

The papers should be returned to the ADGA office with a note that the registration or recordation was made in error. If the goat is ineligible for ADGA herd books, the records of that goat and any offspring will be removed from the herd books without any penalty. If the goat would be eligible for another herd book, it can be moved to the correct herd book.

Please feel free to contact the ADGA office or the Registration Committee Chair if you have any questions about this topic.