Use of ADGA’s Name and Logo
Currently ADGA’s Name and Logo policy appears in the Guidebook Bylaws directly under the “Preamble” heading: “Anything or anyone using the American Dairy Goat Association registered trademark name or logo for any use other than would be common for a member to use as their affiliation with ADGA must come through and be approved by the ADGA Executive Committee. (ADGA Members may download a copy of the ADGA Member Logo for their use from the ADGA member website.)”
The names “American Dairy Goat Association” or “ADGA” should not be used in website or social media page titles or group names without specific written permission from the ADGA Executive Committee.
These Should Not Be Used by ADGA Members
The following logos (or edited versions of them) should not be used by ADGA Members without specific written permission from the ADGA Executive Committee.
If you have any questions or would like permission to use the ADGA name or logo, please direct your request through ADGA Customer Support.
Logo All ADGA Members May Use
The following ADGA Member logo has been approved by the Executive Committee for use by all current ADGA members for use on websites, print materials and social media.
To save a logo to your computer, click on the image to view the full size, right click (or Ctrl click for MAC OS users) and “Save image as …” to your Download folder or other preferred location.

Logos for ADGA Life Members ONLY

Logos for ADGA Plus Members ONLY

Logo for Herd of Distinction Award Recipients

Logo for ADGA Sanctioned Shows
These logos may only be used for show that have successfully completed their ADGA Sanctioned Show Application process. See ADGA Sanctioned Shows for more information or direct your questions to ADGA’s Shows Department.

If you have an problems or questions about the provided logos, please contact the Director of Communications through ADGA Customer Support.