Harvey Considine Memorial Fund

Judges Training Conference Award Stipend

When Harvey Considine died in April of 2005, many ADGA members across the United States generously contributed to a memorial fund at the request of the Considine family. One of the ADGA programs that Harvey most heartily endorsed was the official judges training system; he constantly mentored interested persons. Recognizing that the financial cost of attending is often prohibitive, the Harvey Considine Memorial Fund offers worthy new, young applicants, as well as first time renewing candidates, a stipend in the amount $500 will be awarded. Application deadline is April 15. 

Selection Criteria & How to Apply

  1. Applicant holds an Individual Regular ADGA membership and is at least 18 years of age.
  2. Applicant is a new candidate or a first-time renewing candidate for an ADGA judge’s license.
  3. This Cover Sheet is to be included with the following documents:
    1. Applicant must submit an essay of no more than one thousand words detailing experience with dairy goats and personal reasons for wishing to become an ADGA licensed judge.
    2. Applicant must contact no more than three persons to submit letters of reference about the person applying. Such persons could be ADGA judges, directors, or reputable breeders, youth project leaders and/or vocational agriculture instructors.

Send all information in one envelope clearly labeled Application for Harvey Considine Memorial Fund Stipend to the following:
Attn: Helen Staver Foundation
P.O. Box 865
Spindale, NC 28160

Application deadline is April 15. Submissions must be postmarked by this date. 

To learn more about ADGA Judges Conference Dates see:

ADGA Judges Training Conference – Summer (May/June)

ADGA Judges Training Conference at Convention (October/November)