The ADGA Board of Directors is elected directly by ADGA Members and serve for three years. At the end of their term directors are eligible for reelection. The Board of Directors elects the ADGA Executive Committee at the beginning of each Annual Meeting. The year designation at the end of the name represents term expiration in the list below.
To learn more about how ADGA functions see Governance Overview
2024-2025 ADGA Board of Directors
District One – Northeastern
(Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire. Rhode Island, Vermont, New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec)

- Thomas G. Cox (2026)
- Lorene Toth (2027)
- Philip M. Cassette (2025)
District Two – Eastern
(New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania)

- Peter Snyder (2027)
- Christen S. Adels (2025)
- Lynn Fleming (2026) Not Pictured
District Three – Southeastern
(Alabama, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Islands of the Atlantic and Central and South America.)

- Christine Owen (2027)
- Jackson Noble (2026)
- Jane Bailey (2025)
- Karen Smith (2027)
- Richard Grossman (2026)
- Sandra Coffman (2025) – Not Pictured
District Four – North Central
(Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin)

- Kirt Schnipke (2027)
- Ed Jodlowski (2027)
- Anna Thompson-Hajdik (2026)
- Julie Matthys (2025)
- Yvonne Marie Blosser (2025)
- Daniel J. Considine (Emeriti)
- Travis Cockburn (2026)
District Five – South Central
(Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma)

- Ellen F. Dorsey (2026)
- Laura Ann Warren-Hughes (2027)
- Will Keech (2025) Not Pictured
District Six – Southwestern
(Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, New Mexico, Texas, Utah and Mexico)

- Marshall Losey (2027)
- Lisa Shepard (2025)
- Sandra VanEcho (2026)
District Seven – Northwestern
(Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Wyoming, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Islands of the Pacific and Asia)

- Mark V. Baden (2025)
- Dan Greene (2027)
- Leroy Satter (2026)
- Stephanie Rovey (2025)
District Eight – California

- Thanh Duong (2027)
- Trinity Malmanis (2025)
- Joan Dean Rowe, DVM (Emeriti)
- Benjamin Rupchis (2026)
Directors Emeriti
- Sally Callahan
- Daniel J. Considine
- June T. Bryan
- Joan Dean Rowe, DVM