Find commonly asked questions about DHIR below. If you don’t find the answer to your question, please contact us!
- What does DHIR stand for? Dairy Herd Improvement Registry – records used by a registry. Publicity option at the record center must be “Yes”. Additional information DHI Glossary Dairy Goat Acronyms
- I would like to start testing, what do I need to do? Ask us for a DHIR info pack or apply online on the ADGA forms page. There is an application to be completed for ADGA. You should also contact a DHI association and apply for testing (List of Affiliates). NEW: YouTube for New Herds going on test. There is a step-by-step information sheet and a contact sheet in the packet and it is also at Steps for ADGA DHIR
- Where can I find a description of the Test Type plans? The ADGA guidebook and at DHI Record Plans
- Does ADGA assign the herdcode? No, you will get that from your DHIA (DHI Association). The herdcode is unique to your farm as a identifier for production records.
- Do I need to have separate herdcodes for miniature and standard herds? That was a recommendation in the past but no longer applies and was removed from the 2016 guidebook edition.
- What is the difference between AR and ST awards? AR is Advanced Registry (DHIR testing), records show on pedigrees and used for genetic evaluations. ST (Star) is from One Day Milking competitions, from relatives or from Owner Sampler testing. OS records of both types also can be used for genetic evaluations, but the records from ST programs do not show in performance pedigrees. One Day Milking test results are not used in genetic evaluations. Additional information
- What is the deadline for a new herd going on test? There is no deadline for a new herd. Renewals are due by January 31st of each year, although there is an extended grace period.
- What is considered the “lactation year” at ADGA? October 1 through September 30. A doe freshening Nov. 10, 2019 would be in the 2020 lactation year so the herd would need to be on test in 2020 for the record to be used at ADGA.
- What is the late fee for renewal DHIR testing applications that are delinquent 60 days or greater? 100 % of application fees , but no more than $100
- When do I have to have my first test? There is NO requirement at ADGA. If the first test is 90 days or more after freshening it will not be used for genetic evaluations but can still be used for *M purposes if under 305 days and meets registry requirements. However, it isn’t recommended to wait that long if at all possible as early lactation information is important to the data collection process. If the first test is under 5 days, it is too fresh to test due to residual colostrum in the sample. Additional information about production evaluations.
- What does have to be tested? ALL does that are fresh in any single breed must be on test per National DHI rules.
- How frequently do I have to test? There is no requirement for most test plans. For Owner Sampler AR you need to have a minimum of 8 tests and at least 240 days in milk for the AR record to be recorded. Owner Sampler record with fewer than 8 tests in the year starting two months before freshening can also affect genetic evaluations. Frequency of testing may affect the DCR but it does not affect the use of the record for other plans. What this means for other plans is that there is no requirement regarding maximum days between tests. 15 days or less between tests is considered a retest, so a new test needs to be more than 15 days from the last test.
- How many tests do I need to be official? The ‘official’ designation went away years ago. There is no requirement other than the OS plan mentioned above for ADGA DHIR. OS ST needs a DCR of 75. Top Ten requires 93. There is no requirement for use of the record for other purposes. DHI article about no longer using the term ‘official’.
- What happens if I dry off 45 days or more after my last test? This could affect ADGA’s use of the record as the doe is being credited with milk without any documentation. The records are reviewed for use and usually are not accepted.
- I forgot to report a dry date so the record center used the day before she kidded this year. What now? This creates the situation in #10. You can go back and correct the dry date with your tester or record center.
- What should I expect on test day? Test Day Basics
- What equipment is needed? You or your tester will supply a scale that weighs to 10ths of a pound, a ladle and weigh bucket. Your DHIA or lab will assist with sample bottles, paperwork or software, and mailers (unless they want you to use your own). Conversion table from ounces to tenths.
- Do I need to have the scale checked? Yes, before using at your first test (even when new) and annually after that.
- How are my does identified? Does new to the herd or being tested for the first time should have tattoos checked if on the ADGA DHIR program. After that, neck tags can be used.
- What are the breed codes used? Alpine – A, Experimental – E, La Mancha – L, Nigerian – D, Nubian – N, Oberhasli – B, Saanen – S, Sable – C, Toggenburg – T, Mixed/Unknown – X. This is a separate field, do not use in the numerical ID portion when entering a doe on test.
- What is average production per breed? DHIR Breed Averages
- What are the extreme test day production levels by breed? Extreme Test Day Production Levels
- What is the minimum number of herds that can participate in “group” testing? 3
- Do all members of the group need to be on the same test type plan? No, as long as everyone in the group can accommodate the differences.
- Who can be a tester? Your DHIA approves testers, each one may have different criteria. ADGA accepts testers approved by the DHIAs. Your tester cannot be a family member or someone you co-own goats with. It is acceptable to have a tester that you may have purchased goats from, or has purchased goats from you as long as approved by your DHIA.
- What is the minimum DCR requirement for Top Ten Awards? 93
- What is the minimum DCR requirement for Owner Sampler ST? 75
- Are Owner Sampler records used for Top Ten? No
- What is a DCR? Data Collection Rating. A calculation from the CDCB from testing information regarding test day information such as # of test, level of supervision, etc. Additional information
- Where do I find the levels needed for a *M? *M levels. Also, the ADGA Guidebook Section IX has all of the information on the DHIR program.
- Why isn’t my buck designated as *B? there has to be production awards from both parents — see guidebook for complete award requirements.
- What is a Verification test? A test conducted by someone other than just your regular supervisor or yourself. It is required for some of the test types and for some awards.
- How many milkings must be supervised for a Verification test? 3 Verification Test instructions VT Form Height Form for miniature breeds (required)
- Can my regular tester do the VT? They can do 2 of the 3 tests, but someone other than the tester must do at least one. This applies to standard or group test situations.
- I’m on OS-40, so am I the regular tester? No, you are an owner sampler. So for VT purposes, you cannot do any part of the verification test. This includes not just the weighing and sampling, but paperwork, mailing, or possession of the samples during the testing period. The same applies for any test plan at the VT. The owner cannot do any of the weighing or sampling.
- I want to do OS-40 for AR and documentation of training is required. Do I need to send my tester certification documentation every year? No, just once.
- I don’t have my certification yet, can I add it later? Yes, we’ll update your DHIR information as soon as it is received.
- I am on the ITP-02 plan. Do I need to record a pre-weight? Yes, you need keep a record of that for all does on test in case any record is ever questioned.
- Where do I send my complete lactation records and dry doe sheets? Email to:performanceprograms@adga.org.
- I have gone to once a day milking and need a verification test. Does it have to be three tests? All verification tests require 3 supervised milkings, when completing the VT form the supervisor would need to check ( indicate by putting a check mark or initial) for all of the milkings, noting that one of the milkings is skipped.
- What is the correct way to go from twice a day milking to once a day milking? At the halfway point between your last test and your next test. The test interval (number of days from the previous test day through the current test day) is divided into two equal portions. Production credits for the first half of the test interval are calculated from the previous test day information, and those for the second half of the test interval are calculated from the current test day information.
- Does once a day milking or pulling kids on test day affect the record? Yes. The program and algorithm for determining production is designed for animals being routinely milked at least twice per day for the length of the lactation. Once a day will artificially lessen overall production and keeping kids on their dams except for test day will artificially increase overall production. This in turn affects the genetic evaluations for relatives.
- When do I have to have the VT done? Owner Sampler herds must have a VT when the majority of the herd is 60-150 days in milk (DIM requirement waived for 2020). Other test plans can do this at any time during the lactations.
- Can I use a One Day Milking Competition for a VT? Yes, but remember that ITP and OS plans require that the entire milking herd be present as it is a herd verification. Herds using a bulk tank comparison for VT also need to remember that if there is potential for individual animal recognition for Top Ten, that doe needs to have an individual VT.
- How many tests do I need for Top Ten? There is no set requirement for # of tests, but they would need enough tests to have a DCR to meet the minimum for TT (93). It usually takes at least 8
- Where is the current Breed Leader (Top Ten) list ? Click here for the latest list.
- How many tests do I need for *M? There is no set requirement unless you are Owner Sampler AR. That plan requires 240 days in milk AND at least 8 tests.
- How will I know that milk stars have been applied to my doe’s records? They would show on certificates of registry, pedigrees, currently/ever owned list, performance tab on doe information on the member site, subscription reports and the DHIR EDIT report which is sent out in late May.
- Where can a customer go on the WEB to check milk records? CDCB query page for records in progress as well as completed records which are also at ADGA. However, be aware that your doe page, not the CDCB information is the ultimate record of production. CDCB information on test day data storage.
- Do the herd owners need to send ADGA their monthly DHIR reports? No, we do not use monthly reports.
- Does a herd owner need to send in a doe page once the lactation is completed? No, unless the Owner Sampler ST program test type has been selected. All others, including Owner Sampler AR do NOT need to send in doe pages.
- If I am OS AR but I have does I want to dry off with less than 8 tests/240 days, what are my options for *M for does that met minimum production levels? If they have met the DCR requirement and you have had the herd verified, you can send in the doe pages for ST *M review. You do not need to change your test plan.
- How long does it take for *M awards to be applied? Allow 2 weeks if by electronic upload via CDCB once the doe has been reported dry to your record center. For *M ST, work is done in order that it is received.
- What is the fee to revise a Registration Certificate when accompanying an application for an AR Certificate? Free
- What happens if I receive an Error Code when my DHIR record is migrated into NG? A list of possible error codes with ways to be resolved can be found in the DHIR Error Code reference sheet.
- Where can I get more information? Please call or create a support ticket. Also National Uniform Operating Procedures and ADGA’s Standard Operating Procedures.
One Day Milking Competition (ODMC)
- Who can “sponsor” an ODMC? Any fair, show or individual farm
- Who is responsible for checking the tattoos of each doe entered in the competition? The ODMC superintendent or tester
- When are the tattoos checked? At the time of the preliminary milking
- When are the animals required to be on the premises for the ODMC? Evening prior to the test day
- How many points are required for a standard breed doe to receive a *M “ST” award? 18
- How many points are required for a miniature breed doe to receive a *M “ST” award? 7
- How much is the fee for an ODMC that is received less than 30 days prior to the competition? $50
- What additional requirement(s) are necessary for Nigerian Dwarfs participating in a ODMC along with the usual requirements for standard breed animals? Height documentation, if over height or no documentation they do cannot receive an award. Form
- How many points are earned for each .05 pounds of butterfat? 1 point
- Where is the application form? Go to the Performance Programs forms section on the website.