All dairy goats must be tattooed before they can be registered or recorded. This is what you need to know about how to tattoo your goat.
Reopen Support Center Ticket After Closed
Instructions for reopening an unresolved ADGA Support ticket once it has been closed. Help in locating that email is also provided.
Instructions for Registering a Dairy Goat
These instructions will help you complete the ADGA Registration or Recordation Application. Some registrations can also be completed online using the ADGA Next Generation Software.
Frequently Used Dairy Goat Acronyms
Hearing or seeing an acronym related to dairy goats, their pedigrees or milk tests? Chances are, you can find the meaning here.
How to Transfer a Dairy Goat
The ownership of a dairy goat is considered to be the one who owns it on the registration papers. Registration must be transferred to the new owner to transfer ownership.
Summary of Artificial Insemination Requirements
This information is provided as a guideline/faq to members and other interested persons using artificial insemination in an ADGA breeding program. These requirements will be of interest to: Purchasers of frozen semen Breeders using artificial insemination practices Marketers of frozen semen Semen processors It is the responsibility of anyone planning to register ADGA dairy goats […]
How to Tattoo a Dairy Goat
Success in securing a lasting tattoo mark depends entirely upon the operator. A few simple rules must be observed: Halter or muzzle the animal, if necessary. Cleanse the area to be tattooed with alcohol to remove dirt, grease, and wax. Insert the correct symbols in the pliers and press the thin rubber sponge pad down […]