Linear Appraisal Resources

Note:  Search Knowledgebase for additional related articles. To download Linear Applications, go to the ADGA Forms page. For a description of the linear program with regard to training, field practices, and data collection: Current Linear Standard Operating Procedures: LA SOP To Prepare for a linear session ADGA Linear Appraisal Recommended Checklist

ADGA National Show Judges Ballot

Online voting saves you and your office staff time. Please use the link to vote if possible. A paper ballot is included in the 2024 Q4 News & Events. The Officially Licensed ADGA Judges listed on the ballot have met the following criteria required of a National Show Judge: 1) Currently licensed judge with six […]

2021 April & May Show Wins Released

The American Dairy Goat Association is excited to share that show wins from April and May 2021 have been released. ADGA will continue to release additional show wins in manageable amounts as the data input is reviewed and permanent championships awarded are validated. We will continue to announce future releases of show wins as they […]

Sable Proposal

From the ADGA Board of Directors meeting, it has been adopted to accept the Sable proposal in concept and direct the Registration Committee Chairperson and the Executive Committee to work with IT & Development staff to provide a scope of work and cost requirement at the 2025 Annual Meeting for a vote by the 2025 […]

Board Action Regarding Guernsey Breed

This evening the following resolution was passed effective immediately.  Below you will find background information and the recommendations approved from the Reproductive Technology Committee.   Due to the tight timeline, we feel it is important to those who are actively working towards improving the Guernsey Breed. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION : Due to programming delays and […]

Tattoo Sequence

We would like to apologize for the recent request for members to reassign their tattoo sequences.  A combination of factors led to this event. While this appears to primarily have happened with members who have lapsed memberships, the ADGA office is beginning to contact those affected and offer to reinstate the tattoos. If you suspect […]

ADGA Office Closed

Due to Hurricane Helene, the ADGA Office will be closed on 9/27 for the safety of our employees. The phone lines will also be closed for the day. Employees have been asked to work remotely, if possible, as long as internet service and power are available. We appreciate your support in prioritizing the safety of […]

2021 DNA Results Live in NG

The American Dairy Goat Association is delighted to share that the 2021 DNA Results are now live in users’ NG accounts. To find your DNA results, you can log in to NG and search for the goat that you requested DNA for.  Click on the animal’s registration number to go to the individual animal’s account. […]

2021 Quarter One Show Wins Released!

The American Dairy Goat Association is excited to share that show wins from January, February, and March 2021 have been released. ADGA will continue to release additional show wins in manageable amounts as the data input is reviewed and permanent championships awarded are validated. We will continue to announce future releases of show wins as […]