Dairy Goat General Information

Domestic goats along with sheep are humankind’s oldest domesticated species dating back some 10,000 years. For thousands of years, goats have been used for their milk, meat, hair, and skins over much of the world. In the last century they have also gained some popularity as pets. An ideal family dairy animal, the dairy goat […]

Procedures for Linear Appraisal Evaluations

The complete Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Linear Appraisal Evaluations is available in PDF Format. The document includes a program summary, guidelines for appraisers as well as herd owners and scoring details. Information may also be included related to past and future Linear Appraisal Education Program sessions. ADGA Linear Appraisal Standard Operating Procedures https://adga.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024-FINAL-LA-SOP-1.pdf More […]

New Performance Programs Manager

ADGA is pleased to announce that a new Performance Programs Manager has been hired. Jim VanDerlinde has been an ADGA member since 1994, has exhibited in seven ADGA National Shows and is the breeder of the 2002 National Jr Champion Toggenburg. Jim has experience with ADGA’s Linear Appraisal Program, Holstein young sire genetic improvement programs, […]

Dairy Goat Management Seasonal Tips and Tricks

This dairy goat management calendar is offered as a guide to assist you in preparing for each season. Some breeds and breeders may have unique needs or practice out-of-season breeding. Always seek the advice of your small ruminant veterinarian and never disregard professional advice or delay seeking professional veterinarian assistance because of something you read […]

Correct Color Prints of Dairy Goats

Breed paintings by Lynn Fancher are copyrighted for exclusive use by the American Dairy Goat Association. These copyrighted paintings may not be copied or used in digital format without permission. However, you may purchase these type correct paintings as 9 x 12 inch color prints for $3.25 each or $12.00 for the set. To order […]

NG Project Demo to Board of Directors

The ADGA Information Management Committee recently hosted a demonstration of the new computer system currently known as “NG” (for Next Generation) for the ADGA Board of Directors.  The demonstration was followed by a question and answer session. New Computer System Features NG will provide many new and expanded features some of which include: Full access to all of your animal data including show awards, […]